Wednesday 25th April 2018

We were honoured to have a visit by The Worshipful the Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet, Cllr Brian Salinger and his wife Madam Mayoress Kate Salinger.

It was a fantastic and friendly gathering, The Mayor met our faith leaders, trustees and management, sisters, youth, subcommittees and prominent members of this community.

After welcoming and introduction, The Mayor gave a short speech about his role as the mayor of this diverse and multi cultural Borough. He also talked about importance of right of communities practising their religion in a free and harmony environment.

Representatives of each subcommittees explained their activities and future programs they have, as well as their concerns as residents of Barnet and the challengers they face.

The Mayor and the Madam Mayoress were each presented with a gift by Mr. Sayed Alaa Dhiaoddin director of the Museum of the Shrine of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) in the Holy city of Karbala, Iraq.

In the second hour The Mayor and the Madam Mayoress were given a short tour of the historic Hippodrome.

They were then invited to visit the exhibition in the main hall of the Hippodrome. Replica of the shrine of Imam Hussain (pbuh), red flag from the top of the dome and more artefacts from Syria and Iraq were in display.

The Mayor also wrote "Best Wishes" on the with cloth that will be kept inside the shrine of Imam Hussain (PBUH) for a couple of months.

Photos - video:

Cllr Brian Salinger, The Mayor of Barnet, speech at the IEC, Hippodrome